Led Zeppelin / Long Beach CalifornicationEmpress Valley Supreme Disc : EVSD 523/524/525レッド・ツェッペリン商品の状態:盤面良好。紙ジャケに経年劣化有り。1-1. Introduction1-2. Rock & Roll1-3. Sick Again1-4. Over The Hills And Far Away1-5. In My Time Of Dying1-6. The Song Remains The Same1-7. The Rain Song1-8. Kashmir2-1. No Quarter2-2. Trampled Underfoot2-3. Moby Dick3-1. Dazed And Confused3-2. Stairway To Heaven3-3. Whole Lotta Love3-4. Black DogMarch 11, 1975 Civic Arena, Long Beach, California, USA