Stylish design!Hawaiian Jewelry Brand Maxi Necklace**I purchased this at Maxi within Shibuya 109 about 12 years ago.It seems to be an item that is no longer sold. I don’t recall the original price, but since it's Maxi, it was likely quite expensive.The back is finished with a material that appears to be plastic. Given its thickness, if it were made solely of silver, it would be quite heavy and much more expensive, which is likely why it was designed this way. Also, this item can be used by both men and women.Please note that I am not in a hurry to sell it. While living abroad, I used it frequently at the pool, but since returning to Japan, the different climate has reduced my swimming opportunities, so I am listing it for someone who might want to use it. I am not looking to sell it at a significant discount, so please refrain from contacting me if you are only looking for a substantial price reduction.